Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

Although living in Hawaii is fabulous, being so far away from family is tough, especially during holidays.

This is the second Father’s Day I have spent thousand’s of miles away from my Dad, but this year was a little special for me. I spent this Father’s Day at a baptism class with my one and only godson, Chase, and his new, first time parents.

Seeing their faces light up when Chase cooed made me all warm inside, and I flashed back to my own childhood with my Dad.

My dad taught me some pretty important life lessons:

  1. Soccer is the only sport that exists and Brazil is the only team worth cheering for and supporting.
  2. Soccer is a religion and Pele is it’s God.
  3. Moving from your assigned seat during a World Cup soccer game when Brazil is playing could cause them to miss a penalty kick.
  4. Parading down the streets, decked out from head to toe in yellow, blue and green during a World Cup is totally not weird.
  5. Chocolate milk comes from chocolate milks cows, aka the black and white cows.
  6. White milk comes from white cows.
  7. Hamburgers come from Burger King cows, aka the black cows.
  8. Aliens are people who come from different countries, not different planets.
  9. Being bilingual is helpful, not a disease.
  10. He is the King of Lolly-Land.
  11. He is ALWAYS right.
  12. Family comes first, even if we don’t always get along.

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