Saturday, June 18, 2011

Playing Mommy

Today I am babysitting a two-month old baby, my godson Chase, all by myself. The husband is playing his usual round of golf, so I got to test my maternal skills solo.

I had a talk with Oakley before Chase and his parentals rolled up about not being jealous, not barking and not eating the baby .... Whelp I certainly wasted my breath. As soon as I had Chase in my arms Oakley preceeded to whip out his attention getting arsenal: Whimpering, barking, rolling over and dancing.

Clearly he was pissed about having to share my attention with Chase.

Oakley is not digging the baby situation, but hopefully this experience will help him prepare for when I decide to procreate.

Chase was also a wee bit hesitant about me playing mommy for a few hours.

After a few hours, Oakley got restless and put an end to his shinanigans. Oakley finally started to warm up to the lil guy, but he was very curious. He sniffed his toes and his diaper. He has a pretty good nose because Chase needed a changing!

So far, so good. All parties still have all their fingers, toes, paws, eye balls and sanity =)

For me, the cutest and best part of the experience was when Chase and Oakley napped together.

A sleeping baby +

A sleeping puppy
Makes for a successful day!

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