Saturday, October 1, 2011

Making a plan…and sticking to it

Operation Skinny Minnie

Stephanie’s wedding if officially one year away (Oct. 5) and I need to get this body back where it should be. According to the BMI chart for my height and age, that should be between 109 and 115 pounds. I do have some heavy lifting ahead of me, but I’ve been on the right track since I vowed to lose weight for real this time in January. So far, I have lost about 10 pounds. I have another 20 to go…*Takes a deep breath.*
Not only do I need to get in shape to look smokin’ in a bridesmaid dress, I need to get healthy for me and the future family I hope to have. We had the “talk” earlier this year, but before we can get down to “official business,” we both need to get our bodies in check. Yeah, Chris needs to be in tip-top shape as well. It does take two ya know. There is no way I want to get knocked up at this weight. That would suck for me postpartum and wouldn’t be so healthy for el bambino. The best part is Chris and I are on this health kick together for a change.
Even though Chris does PT at work every day, he has been working out at home too, which really motivates me. With Operation Skinny Minnie in full affect, I made several appointments with my doctors. I made an appointment to have a head to toe physical, including a full blood panel, with my PMC and a well woman check-up with my OB/GYN. I haven’t seen a dentist since we moved here in 2009, I know I am WELL overdue for a cleaning, and I got some pretty good leads from my Hawaii military peeps, but I still need to call so I can check that off my list.
So far so good. I have even been remembering to take my multivitamin everyday!

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