Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I've been owned

Sometimes I wonder if God is a prankster. 

I took my new running shoes out for a test run and they were amazing. No more knee pain. Wooho! When I got back home, Chris had his soccer gear on and asked if I wanted to kick a ball around with him. I put Oakley's leash on and we all walked over to the park by our house.

While Chris kicked the ball around I ran Oakley around and noticed there were two large, unleashed pitt bulls in the park as well. Super. We are easy targets.

Of course one of the pitt bulls caught our scent and made a b line towards us. His owner yelled, "He's nice, don't worry." Psh like I am going to fall for that one. I bent over to protect Oakley from what I thought would be an immanent death. However, this pitt was quite friendly and just sniffed him. Whew.

But before he went back to his owner, this pitt decided he liked me and decided to make me his. Yupp, he lifted his leg and marked my leg AND my NEW shoes! Ugh! 

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